My whole trip to the Chrism Mass was very on the spur of the moment. Yesterday, Father mentioned that there would not be Mass on campus today because of the Chrism Mass. At the time I thought it would be neat to go but since I had class I put the idea out of my mind.
Well, I got home from work last night and my mom mentioned Chrism Mass. It got me thinking. I realized that I would only have to miss Economics to go and well, lets just say I won't be laying awake tonight in sadness because I missed it. So I e-mailed my teacher, dropped off my homework in her office in the morning, and headed out to the Cathedral.
Since I had class up until 15 minutes before Mass, I arrived just as Mass was starting. I was fully expecting to be standing in the back. However, an usher led some of us people standing in the back up to the front where there was an empty row of seats in front of some priests, so I ended up sitting by the cantor and lectors. So, I arrived late and got a top notch seat. Catholics are so cool.
The Mass itself was awesome. It was packed with representatives from all the different parishes and with priests, there was great music, the blessing of the oils was cool, and it was at the Cathedral, which by itself is always great. As I had never been to one of these before, I never realized what a big deal for priests the Chrism Mass is. They were all there and they renewed their ordination promises.
After it was over, I ran into my cousin who was representing the Newman Center from his college campus and we went over to the "light luncheon." I like the diocese's definition of light luncheon: roast beef, sausage, potatoes, corn, steamed veggies, fruit salad, rolls, cookies. Okay, I guess this technically doesn't have anything to do with the Chrism Mass, but I just had to mention the new definition of "light luncheon" for all my fellow food junkies out there.
All in all, Chrism Mass was an awesome experience and it was definitely worth missing Economics for.
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